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DEAC Minutes September 8, 2016

Amarillo ISD
Districtwide Educational Advisory Council (DEAC) Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2016

Rod Schroder Education Support Center, Board Room

4:30 pm


Members Present: Amanda Cothrin, Camillia Johnston, Dana Bolin, Doug Fairchild, Gina Lewis, Janelle Jonson, Kellie Krahn, Kellie Neeley, Marissa Cochran, Marquis Morasky  Whetstone,  Michael Armstrong, Nadia Roldan, Robby Barrett, Tammy Kerr.

District Administrators Present: Sandy Whitlow

The meeting started at 4:39 pm.

Sandy Whitlow welcomed back all of the Members of the DEAC.  She asked everyone to introduce themselves and state what they do and where they work. Sandy reminded DEAC of the work they had completed during the Spring of 2016.  Council members had worked on the Plan for District Improvement (PDI) based on the District Campus Need Assessment.  Student achievement work for the PDI was postponed until accountability scores were reported in the summer.  The Council reviewed the District Campus Needs Assessment. The Council reviewed the Plan for District Improvement (PDI) goals and objectives, including items regarding student achievement.  Changes made were grammatical in scope. The DEAC Committee voted unanimously to recommend the revised PDI to the Board of Trustees at the next Board meeting, September 19, 2016.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm. 

Minutes prepared by: Deborah Soria, Secretary, AHS Cluster

Amarillo ISD
Districtwide Educational Advisory Council (DEAC) Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2016

Rod Schroder Education Support Center, Board Room

4:30 pm


Members Present: Amanda Cothrin, Camillia Johnston, Dana Bolin, Doug Fairchild, Gina Lewis, Janelle Jonson, Kellie Krahn, Kellie Neeley, Marissa Cochran, Marquis Morasky  Whetstone,  Michael Armstrong, Nadia Roldan, Robby Barrett, Tammy Kerr.

District Administrators Present: Sandy Whitlow

The meeting started at 4:39 pm.

Sandy Whitlow welcomed back all of the Members of the DEAC.  She asked everyone to introduce themselves and state what they do and where they work. Sandy reminded DEAC of the work they had completed during the Spring of 2016.  Council members had worked on the Plan for District Improvement (PDI) based on the District Campus Need Assessment.  Student achievement work for the PDI was postponed until accountability scores were reported in the summer.  The Council reviewed the District Campus Needs Assessment. The Council reviewed the Plan for District Improvement (PDI) goals and objectives, including items regarding student achievement.  Changes made were grammatical in scope. The DEAC Committee voted unanimously to recommend the revised PDI to the Board of Trustees at the next Board meeting, September 19, 2016.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm. 

Minutes prepared by: Deborah Soria, Secretary, AHS Cluster