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Speaking at a Board Meeting

Speaking At A Board Meeting

The Amarillo ISD School Board welcomes input from members of the community. A public comments section is scheduled during each meeting of the Board.  At special Board meetings, public comments are limited to items on the agenda. At regular monthly meetings, the Board allots a total of 60 minutes for public comments and comments may be about an item on the agenda or about an issue that is not on the agenda. Those wishing to make a public comment are asked to complete a participation request card before the meeting begins (available on the table just inside the Board Room). Completed cards are collected by a staff member who gives them to the Board President to call to the podium those wishing to speak at the appropriate time in the agenda. Public comments are limited to three minutes each and the Board is prohibited by law (Open Meetings Act) from entering into a discussion or debate with the speaker unless the public comment is related to an item on the agenda. Delegations of more than five people should appoint one person to present their views. For more information, see policy BED(LOCAL)(Opens in new window).