School Year 2024-2025: Transfer Form
The form link in this section is for a transfer requested to take place and be active for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please Read Before Using The Form Link
Fill out only one transfer form per student—Do NOT fill out a new transfer form if you submitted a form and then realized that you had made an error. We have a way for you to edit an existing, submitted transfer request form:
- You will notice that on the initial screen, on the right side, is an entry field labeled “Control Number”
- When you are filling out the transfer form, you will see that your email address is a required field in the form
- Please provide your email address. Do not use a decoy email address.
- This needs to be a real, working email address that you can access
- Check your email junk folder and/or spam folder if you do not see an email in your main inbox
- After submitting a transfer form, an email message will be sent to the email account you provided within the transfer form
- The email message will contain your unique “Control Number” at the end of the email message, and there will be a link you can click that will automatically open and load your transfer form:
- You can access your transfer form again by either a) clicking the link sent to you in the email, or b) enter the Control Number manually, and then edit the information within the form and re-submit the form that now has your recent edits applied
- Or, in the event that you are unaware of changes that need to be made, an AISD staff member might contact you to ask you to make edits to your transfer form. You will access the form, similar to the situation above, and you will use the link or your Control Number to load your submitted transfer form so that you can edit and re-submit the form.
School Year 2024-2025 Transfer Form (Opens in new window)
School Year 2024-2025 Transfers: General Information
Out of District (Interdistrict) Transfer Information
A nonresident student (student who lives outside the Amarillo ISD boundaries) who wants to attend school in AISD can also apply for a transfer. This is called an interdistrict transfer.
- Interdistrict transfer requests are considered if there is still space available at a school after all intradistrict transfer requests have been considered
- Parents will receive notification of whether their transfer request was accepted or denied at least two weeks before the first day of school
- Transfers are good for one school year only; a student on transfer to a particular school must reapply for a transfer each year
- Ordinarily, nonresident students pay a tuition fee to transfer into another district. However, transfer students may request a tuition waiver.
- Current practice in AISD is to waive tuition for out-of-district transfers
- For more information about interdistrict transfers, refer to Board Policy FDA (LOCAL) (Page opens in a new window), or contact your campus principal
- Transportation for students who are granted a transfer into AISD is the responsibility of the parents or guardian
Within District (Intradistrict) Transfer Information
All Amarillo ISD students are guaranteed admission to the schools in the attendance area in which they live. Students may, however, apply for a transfer from one AISD school to another school within AISD. This is called an intradistrict transfer.
- After taking into account enrollment projections and the capacity of a campus (physical space and staffing), intradistrict transfer requests are considered according to a list of priorities
- Parents will receive notification of whether their transfer request was accepted or denied at least two weeks before the first day of school
- Transfers are good for one school year only; a student on transfer to a particular school must reapply for a transfer each year
- Transportation for intradistrict transfer students is the responsibility of the parent or guardian
Please Note: A student in kindergarten through grade 4 enrolled on a transfer may be returned to his or her home campus no later than three weeks after the first day of instruction if the current class size ratio goes over the state mandated 22:1 (22 students per teacher).
For more information about intradistrict transfers, refer to Board Policy FDB (LOCAL) (Opens in new window), or contact your campus principal.
Additional Transfer Information & Frequently Asked Questions