Medication Policy
All prescription medications must be kept in the health room and registered with the health services staff. Medication will be administered by the school nurse, health clerk, or other staff members who are designated by the school Superintendent. The training and competency of the unlicensed person administering the medication will be verified
by the Registered Nurse.
Guidelines for taking prescription medications are listed below:
1. Prescription drugs must be in the original pharmacy container and properly labeled from a registered pharmacist licensed to practice in the state of Texas with the student’s name, current date, dose to be given, time to be given, and medication route to be administered. A written request signed and dated by the parent and the physician or other person with prescribing authority in Texas (MD, DO, APRN, PA, podiatrist, dentist) must also be included. The parent request must be updated and on file at the beginning of each school year or when the student is prescribed the medication. Any medication that has expired will not be given at school.
2. Over-the-counter medications must be in the original container. This medication must be properly labeled, as stated above, and accompanied by a written request signed and dated by a licensed physician and parent. School nurses will not administer non-FDA approved products, herbal/dietary products, medications purchased in foreign countries, or non-traditional preparations.
3. Students will not be allowed to carry medications on them except for emergency medications allowed by Texas state law: an inhaler, EpiPen, or insulin. A written statement from a physician and parent/guardian allowing the student to carry and self-administer the medicine while on school property or at a school-related event is required. The physician’s order and written parent permission must be on file in the student’s medical records. Additionally, the student has demonstrated to the school nurse the skill level necessary to self-administer the prescription medication, including the use of any device required to administer the medication.
4. Sample medication given to you by a physician must be accompanied by a written prescription from the licensed physician, a written parent request, and on file in the student’s medical records.
5. Medications that have not been picked up from the school clinic before the end of the school year will be properly dispose of.