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About The School Board

The seven members of the Amarillo ISD Board of Trustees provide an important public service to the Amarillo community. All AISD trustees serve at large and represent the entire district, not geographical areas. Service on the Board is voluntary and members must complete an extensive orientation as well as continued training throughout their terms.

Board members are elected by voters in Amarillo ISD to serve staggered four-year terms. If a vacancy occurs on the Board, the remaining trustees may fill the vacancy by appointment until the next trustee election.

The overall purpose of the Board is to set the direction for the operation of the school district. Other duties include:

  • Adopting District policies.
  • Approving the annual operating budget for the District.
  • Acquiring and disposing of property for District use.
  • Levying taxes and issuing bonds (after voter approval).
  • Approving the purchase of goods and services for District use.
  • Approving the hiring of District personnel.

The Board acts officially only as a committee of the whole. A majority of Board members constitutes a quorum that is needed to transact business. The Board of Trustees elects a president and vice president, and appoints a secretary (usually a District administrator) to serve one-year terms. It selects and employs the superintendent and delegates the responsibility and authority for the operation of the school district to him or her as the chief executive officer.

Meet the Trustees

AISD Board Member Mr. Doyle CorderMr. Doyle Corder
Board President

Appointed: December 18, 2019
Elected: May 1, 2021
Current Term Expires: May 3, 2025


AISD Board Member Ms. Kayla Mendez

Ms. Kayla Mendez
Board Vice President

Appointed: August 16, 2019
Elected: May 1, 2021
Current Term Expires: May 3, 2025


Jon Mark Beilue, AISD Board MemberMr. Jon Mark Beilue
Board Member

Elected: May 6, 2023
Current Term Expires: May 1, 2027



Connie Brown, AISD Board MemberMs. Connie Brown
Board Member

Elected: May 6, 2023
Current Term Expires: May 1, 2027



AISD Board President Mr. David Nance

Mr. David Nance
Board Member

Appointed: August 16, 2019
Elected: May 1, 2021
Current Term Expires: May 3, 2025


Don PowellMr. Don Powell
Board Member

Elected: May 1, 2021
Current Term Expires: May 3, 2025



Steve Trafton, AISD Board memberMr. Steve Trafton
Board Member

Elected: May 6, 2023
Current Term Expires: May 1, 2027


School Board Meetings

Regular meetings of the Board are held once a month, normally on the second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Amarillo ISD administration building (Rod Schroder Education Support Center), 7200 Interstate 40 West, Amarillo, TX 79106. Special meetings are called occasionally. Notice of each Board meeting is posted on the District website and at the front entrance of the AISD administration building, at least 72 hours before the meeting. All Board meetings are open to the public.

Copies of the agenda are available at each meeting and on the website. As required by state law, all regular Board meetings are now audio- and video-recorded, and the recordings are available on the website (beginning with the January 2016 Board meeting). Board meeting agenda items might include recommendations from the Administration for Board action, information items that do not require Board action, presentations from staff, students, or community members, and discussion items.

In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, as a part of each meeting the Board may meet privately in closed session to discuss matters related to personnel, student discipline, security, land acquisition, or to consult with legal counsel. No action may be taken during the closed meeting.

Addressing The Board at a Meeting

The Amarillo ISD School Board welcomes input from members of the community. A public comments section is scheduled during each meeting of the Board. At special Board meetings, public comments are limited to items on the agenda. At regular monthly meetings, the Board allots a total of 60 minutes for public comments, and comments may be about an item on the agenda or about an issue that is not on the agenda. Those wishing to make a public comment are asked to complete a participation request card before the meeting begins (available on the table just inside the Board Room). Completed cards are collected by a staff member who gives them to the Board President to call to the podium those wishing to speak at the appropriate time in the agenda. Public comments are limited to three minutes each and the Board is prohibited by law (Open Meetings Act) from entering into a discussion or debate with the speaker unless the public comment is related to an item on the agenda. Delegations of more than five people should appoint one person to present their views.  For more information, see policy BED(LOCAL) (Opens in a new window).

Contact Information:
Yadira Garcia, Director of Community Relations
Board Administrative Secretary

7200 I-40 West, Amarillo, TX  79106