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Local Resources
Region 16
Region 16 Education Support Center serves as a resource for school districts, teachers, and families. They provide workshops, trainings, and valuable resources.
Uniting Parents, Coalition of Health Services Inc.
Uniting Parents can help you navigate the maze of programs available to families and students with disabilities. Case managers can provides information about resources, education, training, referrals, networking and support.
Texas Panhandle Centers Behavioral and Developmental Health
Texas Panhandle Center serves individuals with severe mental illness, intellectual and developmental disabilities and children with developmental delays. They provide services for both individuals and their families.
Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training
This is a web-site that has great parent resources that explain the Texas Autism Supplement, short summaries that detail techniques and practices used to teach children with Autism, and links to free on-line workshops.
Understanding Autism
Autism Speaks
Their website includes articles on the latest in Autism research, Autism in the news, fundraising events, and family support.
Autism Society
Autism is a website that includes information on Autism research, living with Autism, and the latest news on Autism.
The Special Education Process
Texas Project First
Texas Project First provides; information, training, referral and support. The website offers consistent, accurate information to help parents understand the complex special education issues and become more effective participants in their child's education process.
Social Skills
The Gray Center
This website promotes social understanding and has valuable information and strategies.
Social Thinking
This website provides learning opportunities, strategies, and products to help individuals with their social skills.