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Campus Evacuations Due to Grass Fire

Posted Date: 06/03/2020

Campus Evacuations Due to Grass Fire

December 8, 2017 -- Due to the large grass fire in north Amarillo, three Amarillo ISD schools have been evacuated to the following locations.   

  • Carver Elementary Academy students have been bussed to Austin Middle School at 1808 Wimberly Rd. Parents should make plans to pick up their Carver Elementary children at Austin Middle School when they can.
  • Carver Early Childhood Academy (ECA) students have been bussed to North Heights Alternative School at 607 N. Hughes. Parents should make plans to pick up their Carver ECA children at North Heights when they can.
  • AACAL students have been bussed to Houston Middle School at 815 S. Independence. We plan to bus the AACAL students from Houston to their home campus.

All three schools have been completely evacuated and students are safe and accounted for.