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New Principals on Nine Campuses

Posted Date: 06/02/2020

New Principals on Nine Campuses

August 6, 2014 - The drive to school will be a little different this year for nine Amarillo ISD principals who are starting the year at different campuses. Five assistant principals are moving into principal positions and four principals are transferring onto different campuses which will create fresh opportunities for communication between schools and parents.

Assistant principal Ramon Garcia moves from Mann Middle School to take the principal position at Landergin Elementary, just a change in the size of his students, he jests. “I love what I do and am blessed to work with students, parents and teachers,” Garcia said. “When I started teaching, I taught second grade bilingual students at Sunrise. I feel like I am coming home since I started out as an elementary teacher in the Caprock cluster.”

This school year marks a transitional period for these principals as well. As “new kids” they will work alongside faculty and parents to ensure students have a successful year. “Both elementary and middle school parents want their child to get the best education possible,” Garcia said. “I will work with teachers to provide an environment which is conducive to learning and keeps the lines of communication open with our parents.”

Meet the new principal on your campus, as well as your child’s teacher, at registration and back to school night in the coming weeks.

The new principals on campus are listed below:

  • Lori Berryman, was assistant principal at Olsen Park, and is now principal at Western Plateau
  • Leslie Callahan, was principal at Western Plateau, and is now principal at South Georgia
  • Amy Dorris, was assistant principal at de Zavala, and is now principal at Allen 6th Grade Campus
  • Ramon Garcia, was assistant principal at Mann, and is now principal at Landergin
  • Holly Holder, was assistant principal at Hamlet, and is now principal at Glenwood
  • Chad Huseman, was principal at South Georgia, and is now principal at Sleepy Hollow
  • Kim Lackey, was principal at Landergin, and is now principal at Bowie 6th Grade Campus (opening fall 2015)
  • Nicki Roush, was assistant principal at Belmar, and is now principal at Belmar
  • Brandy Self, was principal at Glenwood, and is now principal at Travis 6th Grade Campus (opening fall 2015)