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Seen and Heard at the October 2017 School Board Meeting

Posted Date: 06/03/2020

Seen and Heard at the October 2017 School Board Meeting

October 23, 2017 --  The School Board heard a presentation from Lavin Architects about plans and designs for proposed extensive updates to bathrooms and locker room bathrooms in schools across the District.  These two items add up to almost $23 million and are part of the November 7 bond proposal.  Read more at School Bond 2017. 

The Board also heard a report on the proposed project to install exterior doors with bullet-resistant glass at schools across the District.  With a price tag of about $5.2 million, this project is part of the safety and security measures also included in the November 7 $100 million bond proposal.  Board President Jim Austin said the reinforced exterior doors represent the third phase of a decade long, three-phase effort to make all AISD elementary schools safer.  Security cameras have been installed, and secured entrances at all elementaries now require visitors to be buzzed in by office staff and follow a check-in procedure before accessing the rest of the campus. 

In other business, trustees approved the 2017 tax levy.  The total levy, based on current property values and an AISD tax rate of $1.189 per $100 of assessed value, is $102,558,631 for Potter and Randall counties.  This represents the total revenue AISD expects to receive from local taxpayers for the 2017-18 budget, assuming a 100 percent collection rate.

The Board also approved design phase drawings and plans for both the $4.4 million Caprock High School sports complex to include a new tennis center and soccer field, and the $500,000 exterior renovation project at Bowie Middle School.  Finally, the Board approved Moffitt Architectural Group to provide engineering and architectural services for roof replacement projects at Mann Middle School and Wills, Woodlands, and Whittier elementary schools.

Trustees authorized the District’s general counsel to request an opinion from the Texas Attorney General regarding whether AISD can be a financial partner in the new ACE Amarillo scholarship initiative, and they voted to proceed with participating in ACE, contingent on an acceptable response from the Attorney General and successful development of criteria and standards for the program.   

Trustees also accepted gifts and donations totaling $11,115, given to various schools this month from Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Moore, Jason Barrett and the 806 Coffee Shop, Wolflin Booster Club, Amarillo Symphony Guild, Brian and Stacy Sanning, Hugh and Carla Fristoe, Bradley and Anna Stuteville, Charles and Patricia Jessell, Cindi Evans, Cosmo and Charlotte Barbaro, First United Bank, Scottie’s Transmission, James Gitchell, Phillips 66, Tommy George Insurance Agency, and La Frontera Restaurant.  Other donors are Lisa Lambert, Kevin and Kathlyn Britton, Paula Britt, Perry and Becky York, Dr. James Douthitt, Jeff and Lillie Farris, B. Houston Collins III, Bobby Duby, Lloyd and Lora Brown, Clark Damon, Dr. Alan Keister, and Dr. Anthony Harwell.