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Seen and Heard at the April 2018 School Board Meeting

Posted Date: 06/03/2020

Seen and Heard at the April 2018 School Board Meeting

April 16, 2018 -- In her Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Dana West introduced Elizabeth Magar, Coordinator of Innovative Media Resources, and Gini Robertson-Baker, Elementary English Language Arts Curriculum Specialist, who presented a video and information about AISD’s upcoming Summer Literacy Program.  With a theme of “Kids In, Books Out,” the summer initiative will feature different activities and events at all schools that will promote reading and will be available to any AISD student.    

The Board renewed the contract with Chartwells School Dining Services to provide AISD’s school breakfast and lunch program for 2018-19.  During the 2017-18 school year, Chartwells has served a daily average of 14,727 breakfasts and a daily average of 21,110 lunches.

Trustees approved construction phase documents for the Palo Duro High School Tennis Center and they approved a guaranteed maximum price of just over $6 million for the roof replacement project at Wills, Whittier and Woodlands elementary schools and Mann Middle School. 

The Board approved continuing a contract with the Turn Center to provide physical and occupational therapy services for AISD students at a cost of $673,660 for the 2018-19 school year, and they renewed teacher contracts for the 2018-19 school year.  Trustees also approved vendors for employee biometric screenings, employee life insurance and long-term disability insurance, as well as an employee assistance program.

The Board expressed appreciation to the following donors for gifts to schools totaling $32,381.74 this month: D and S Jaramillo, Raquel Hernandez, Greg and Jennie Van Wagner, Amanda Lopez, Amanda Hernandez, Curt Cornett and Amanda Paris, Hillside Christian Church, Amarillo National Bank, Mr. James Gitchell, Sims, Parge’ and Moya Architects, Panhandle Restaurant Association, Reagor-Dykes, Joey and Jennifer Hall, and Golding Meadows Post 1475 VFW.