An ARD committee shall determine placement for a student in Community Job Exploration Training (CJET). The CJET coordinator should be present at each ARD meeting when a student is being considered for placement into CJET.
The student must be at least 16 years old to participate in CJET.
The ARD committee, when considering a student for CJET, should consider the severity of the disability and the ability of the student to benefit from community job exploration with a job coach.
Factors to consider when placing a student into CJET:
Should the ARD committee determine a deficiency exists for a student in any of the above factors, the ARD committee must decide if the deficiency will preclude the student from participation in the program, or will decide what supports will be in place to minimize the factor(s).
The CJET coordinator will obtain parent and student signatures on the CJET Agreement form.
The CJET coordinator shall provide each of the student's teachers with the student's work schedule prior to working.
The CJET coordinator will provide weekly IEP progress updates ( if student worked that week) to the special education teacher responsible for the implementation of the student's pre-vocational IEPs.
The special education teacher will be responsible for updating the pre-vocational IEP objectives in the student's eligibility folder during the specified times as well as completing six weeks progress reports.
The CJET coordinator will make sure the volunteer work the student performs at the job site does not create an "employment relationship" under the Fair Labor Standards Act.