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Instructional Arrangement/Setting Codes

Instructional Arrangement/Setting Codes

Always consult the TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook each year.

Student Attendance Accounting Handbook

The ARD committee's determination of the appropriate educational placement for implementing a student's IEP must be based on the individual needs of the student. If the support services are provided to the student in the general education classroom, the instructional setting code is mainstream. If, however, the support services are provided outside of the general education classroom, the instructional setting code is based on the amount of time for which or the setting where the services are provided.

Base the determination of instructional arrangement/setting codes on the percentage of the instructional day that the student receives direct, regularly scheduled special education and related services, as required in a student's IEP, not on the student's disability. For the purpose of determining a student's instructional arrangement/setting code, the instructional day is defined as that portion of the school day in which instruction takes place (not to include lunch, recess, passing periods, etc.).

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