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Early Intervention Efforts

Early Intervention Efforts

In an effort to meet the needs of struggling students as early as possible, Amarillo ISD uses an early intervention process of Student Support Teams (SST). The SST is a campus based process designed to assist struggling students by providing, appropriate to the student's needs, differentiated instruction, regular education services and interventions, and other opportunities designed to help the student. These services may vary from campus to campus. The SST is available to all students, including students with disabilities. Should regular education, together with the early intervention efforts of the SST be insufficient to meet the needs of the struggling student, then the District will seek parental consent for a special education evaluation.

Campus staff may request the assistance of the SST by completing and submitting to the SST campus contact the "Request for Assistance" packet. Prior to the SST meeting, all relevant data will be gathered. The SST will meet, review data, and use a problem solving approach to develop an Intervention Plan to assist the struggling student. Additional data will be gathered on the progress of the Intervention Plan.  A follow-up meeting will be held to review new data. The SST may consider the case closed (student made adequate improvement), continue monitoring the Intervention Plan, revise or adjust the current Intervention Plan, develop a new Intervention Plan or refer the student for a special education evaluation.

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