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IEP Process


  • Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
    • A PLAAFP informs the reader of where the student is currently functioning and determines the direction for the goals that are to be written.  
      • Examples of what can be included in the PLAAFP
      • Student's FIE (Full Individual Evaluation)
      • TAKS Scores
      • Previous Goal Review
      • Informal/Formal Assessments
      • Strategy-Based Information
  • A PLAAFP must be written for each subject area that requires an IEP. 
    • For example, if a student has an IEP in reading and in math, then a PLAAFP must be written for reading and math. 
  • IEP
    • IEP Goals
      • Enrolled grade level standards-based goals must be included on all IEPs for TEKS based subjects.
      • Enrolled grade level standards-based goals must include the following components:
        • Timeframe
        • Condition
        • Behavior
        • Criteria
    • IEP Objectives
      • Objectives included on the IEP must include the timeframe, condition, behavior, and criterion for all TEKS based subjects.
      • For students taking STARR Alternate assessments, their IEP must contain at least two objectives for each annual goal.
      • For students taking other state assessments, the ARD Committee may choose to include objectives as part of the student's annual goals.   If the ARD Committee chooses to includes objectives as part of the student's IEP, then at least two objectives for each annual goal.

Documentation and Review

  • Formal updating of student progress on the goals and objectives in the student's official eligibility folder shall be completed by the special education teacher or related service provider at the following times: 
    • at the end of each semester and
    • before the annual ARD meeting to enable the ARD committee to have a good understanding of the student's current status on the IEP and current progress and
    • any time the student leaves the school to attend a private school (home school, homebound, AEP, another campus in Amarillo ISD, or another campus in another district.
  • IEP Progress Reports
    • Each teacher or related service provider will review and document the student's progress toward meeting IEP goals and objectives for which they have responsibility on their classroom copy of the goals and objectives before sending out progress reports and/or report cards. 
    • IEP progress reports should be sent home to parents with report cards at the end of each grading period.
    • If a student has not received passing grades on a progress report or report card and the parent or teacher has reason to believe that the failures are due to an inappropriate IEP or placement, the campus diagnostician will be contacted to schedule an ARD meeting.
    • Teachers in general education shall maintain documentation that they are modifying educational programs of students receiving special education services as specified in the student's IEPs.
    • Teachers should know what accommodations and modifications they are implementing and should be able to document their efforts (e.g., lesson plans, accommodation sheets, samples of modified tests, or other performance evaluation measures.)
    • Teachers may make minor instructional accommodations without an ARD committee meeting if such accommodations are helpful and consistent with the ARD committee's established goals and objectives; however, the teacher may not amend grading criteria without concurrence of the ARD committee.
    • Teachers in general education are required to accommodate and/or modify the general education program as determined by the ARD committee.

Diagnostician or Speech Therapist's Role

Prior to a student's ARD meeting, the campus diagnostician or speech therapist (if a diagnostician is not involved) will provide each teacher (general and/or special education) with a form where the teacher may:

  • list and/or document the present competencies and progress of the student
  • share any information which they feel will assist an ARD committee in making ARD decisions

The information contained on the form discussed above will be reviewed and considered by the ARD committee.

The diagnostician/speech therapist at each campus shall also ensure that each teacher who provides instruction to a student with disabilities:

  • receives relevant sections of the student's current IEP
  • be informed of specific responsibilities related to implementing the IEP, such as
    • goals
    • benchmarks
    • objectives
    • behavior plans
    • needed accommodations / adaptations
    • needed modifications
    • or other educational, behavioral, or health supports needed for the student

The above information will be

  • sent to teachers before services begin in an electronic or hard copy (paper) format
  • documented as to when the teacher received the information (the campus diagnostician/speech therapist will keep this documentation)
  • kept by each teacher in a folder with a cover sheet reminder of the need for confidentiality
  • only shared with others who have a need to know (substitute teachers and/or teacher assistants)

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